Course Outline

    1. Introduction

    2. Set Up Shop In Less Than 10 Minutes

    3. Enter Your Bank Info To Get Paid

    4. Set Your Store Structure

    5. Add Items to Your Class Lists

    6. Edit Your Personal Info

    7. Remove or Delete An Item From A List

    1. Refresh Your Shop For A New Season

    2. Download and Print Your Dress Codes Lists

    3. Find Your Studio Order History

    1. Dancewear Selling Toolkit

    2. Nimbly Marketing Tools & Templates

    3. Congratulations! Take $60 Off Dancewear Sizing Kits

    4. Need More Help?

About This Course

  • Free
  • 14 lessons
  • Step-By-Step Set Up Tutorial
  • Fast, Easy Instructions
  • Bonus Discount Code!

Sell dancewear to your students in a snap!

From start to finish, this step-by-step tutorial makes it easy for you to launch your online boutique.